

Monday, November 7, 2016

Stop Jamming Your Politics Down My Throat

Thankfully, the whole election thing is almost over which means that it's a little late for me to be writing this but I am compelled to anyway because I don't think it's going to stop after tomorrow's election:


This is particularly true if you are a business or have some kind of public persona.  I keep seeing this over and over again...people who post as their business mocking one of the candidates which has no chance in hell of swaying someone to vote the way you want them to and only serves to cause DIVISIVENESS.

Like there's not enough of that in this country already!

It's everywhere.  I'll be happily reading a recipe on a food website and just after the part where I  read that I should bake it for 30 minutes, the next sentence is something like


It serves no purpose to insert your political views into your baking or crocheting or photography or travel or DIY or infinitely-anything-else-that-is-not-directly-related-to-politics website or social media page(s)...EXCEPT to alienate the portion of those who follow you who oppose your opinion! Why would you do that?!  In the past few months I can't tell you how many people/sites I have unfollowed because of this.  The reason is because I want to like the people/businesses that I follow.
Jam your beliefs down my throat - be they political/religious/social/sexual/etc - and we can't be friends anymore.  And that's sad. Because I like the stuff you write about/sell/video and I don't really want our relationship to end but, on principle, it has to because you can't keep your opinion about what I should be doing to yourself.

I am not so presumptuous as to TELL you who you SHOULD be voting for.
I'm not even going to hint at it.  I might suggest that you should vote...but that's all you're getting from me and probably not even that much because:

For one, because it's none of my business who you want to vote for or not vote for or if you even want to vote at all.
For two, because I love having the right and privilege to make up my own mind and therefore I respect your right to the same things.
For three, you are not coming to my sites and pages for political information.  Duh.

Further reading:
4 Financial Reasons To Keep Your Political Views Private

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