

Monday, November 21, 2016

Big Monday Relief

We installed my new art show/sale yesterday.

I have no idea how many pieces went up because I am so burned out on my own artwork right now that I can't even look at the inventory sheet right now to count.  40?  50?

The install took way longer than it should have.  Usually our installs go smooth like butter since JP and I have done so many together it's like a science to us now.
Yesterday, not so much.

Something just was...off.

It started when one of the framed pieces fell off the wall, crashed to the ground, and broke the not cheap frame it was in.

Then we couldn't get any nails or screws to go into the main wall of the gallery which is brick. They just wouldn't go in.  Hammer, drill, screwdriver...nothing.  That was very weird because we've hung this exact show for the past three years using the exact same supplies on that same brick wall with no issues whatsoever.

I was a lot little unnerved by all some of what happened...especially since stuff like that feeds right into my anxiety personality.  Did I mention that I drank two Tanqueray & Tonics while setting everything up?  Thank God the place has a bar.

But as usual my darling husband was there by my side reassuring me and calming me down and thanks in large part to him, today I'm all like "Oh well, not much I can do about any of it".

After I freak out I almost always come around to a que sera sera attitude anyway: whatever will be will be.
If all of the artwork winds up falling off the walls and crashing to the ground, I'll just drive down there to pick up the mess and move on to the next thing, whatever it might wind up being.

And it's Monday morning and I am hugely relieved that the install is finally over and I can get back to my real life of stress-less creativity.

After I clean the house and do the Thanksgiving grocery shopping.

The fun never ends, does it?  ðŸ˜•

   photo Sharon sig with heart dragonfly butterfly waltz font1_zpsgxy5knqy.png

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