

Thursday, June 30, 2016

For My Rain-Loving Compatriots

The weather people are extolling with greet glee that today will be a day
with "abundant sunshine".

They say this as if everyone within their listening or viewing range will fall to their knees in gratitude and joy upon hearing such a declaration.

Some of us know they are wrong. Not everyone is elated by abundant sunshine.  Some of us find it rather oppressive.

"Unfortunately", the weather people say, tomorrow will bring showers and possibly storms (completely ignoring the building drought situation in our region).
Sun days = fun days and that's what really matters.

Here are some resources and graphics for those of us who disagree:

"Rainy Day In The City" by Tom Shropshire
This painting basically captures what my perfect day looks like.

"9.Your level of creativity is directly related to the weather. Bright and sunny? Creative drought. Steady downpour of rain? Steady downpour of ideas."
21 Things Only People Who Prefer Rain Over All Other Weather Will Understand

What Is The Personality Type Of People Who Like Rain Very Much?
(Hint: It's not because we're depressed or have gothic tendencies)

City Data: Reverse SAD - Love Of Cloudy Days and Dislike Sunny Days

Harvard Business School: Blue Skies, Distractions Arise: How Weather Affects Productivity

7 Signs You're A Pluviophile

“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.” ― Langston Hughes

"Whenever it rains you will think of her.” ― Neil Gaiman 

 photo Sharon sig with heart dragonfly butterfly waltz font1_zpsgxy5knqy.png

Thursday, June 16, 2016

I'm A Big Sell Out

So my new little shop has basically sold out. It took 10 days. We definitely didn't expect this.

Oh, there's still some little stuff there but a bunch of the other little stuff has sold and the big pieces of furniture have sold and I haven't been there since Sunday so I imagine it kind of looks like this except for the yellow hutch cabinet which sold and is no longer there:


Crazy great, that is!

 photo Sharon sig with heart dragonfly butterfly waltz font1_zpsgxy5knqy.png

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Weekend Update

So happy to have had a 3-day weekend with JP.  So sad when it's over.
We spent the whole weekend home, doing home stuff.  Amazing how much fun that can be when you're with the right person. No joke; somehow even yard work is fun when I'm together with this guy.

Except when it comes to dealing with the swimming pool...aka the large gaping hole in the yard.

A little bit about our pool:

We knew when we bought the house six months ago that the in-ground pool was 'as is'.  Unfortunately the previous owners didn't really give us any information about what that meant and we still can't figure out why they drained all the water out of a 19,000 gallon pool, so we knew there would be challenges with it.  I said from the get-go that I couldn't care less about having an in-ground pool and wouldn't shed a single tear if we filled it in.  JP, on the other hand, saw/sees it as a challenge in some kind of testerone-induced battle cry and it has become his obsession priority.  This is where things become not so fun between us.  I see the pool as a gigantic money pit that will be used 3 months out of 12.
I am not a fan of money pits.
For years I had one of those Intex pools that cost a hundred bucks from WalMart and loved everything about them.  Cheap and easy.  If something went wrong with it or it sprung a leak you ran to WalMart and bought another one. No big deal, no big expense, no stress.  Somehow we have the exact opposite of all that going on. This weekend we spent hours figuring out what color to paint it. Then he told me how much it was going to cost to paint it and I had a fit ($1000+).  That's not including the cost of the water we'll have to have trucked in which should be about 3 loads ($1500?).
Did I mention the filter repairs?  That's a cost that is yet to be determined.  Aye yi yi.
Then while reading up on pool paint this weekend I learned that you're only supposed to paint a pool in early Spring or Fall.  Paint doesn't do well in heat and humidity.  Also, when you paint a pool you need 5 solid days of no rain.  Good luck with that.  So now it doesn't seem likely that the pool thing is going to happen this summer which I am perfectly okay with because...

WalMart Pool $59

While we were busy doing house and yard work this weekend and getting testy with each other about the pool, I did not do one single thing this past weekend for my new shop...which technically opens tomorrow, by the way!
Don't go there tomorrow, though, because all you'll find is a big empty 10x10 space.
Our lease starts June 1st but we're not going to be able to actually start putting the shop together until this weekend.  Thank God for that because I'm so not ready.
I imagine that the whole month of June is going to be like a soft opening for us as we work on inventory and setting things up.  By July we'd better have it more together!
Stay tuned as I post updates right here.  Wish us luck!

I did manage to squeeze in some website work this weekend.  I tweaked some of the tracking devices I have on the site and was amused to see that some people I know personally have visited my website even though they don't keep in touch with me.

 Hello friends who check out what I'm doing via my website but don't keep in touch with me!  Why not reach out and say hi?  I'd love to actually hear from you!  Let's catch up!

   photo Sharon sig with heart dragonfly butterfly waltz font1_zpsgxy5knqy.png
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